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Email marketing or email marketing, which many people mistakenly send to group emails, is one of the most popular methods and is very important in the digital world. The common misconception about email marketing is that we have to buy emails from specific companies or individuals and then send them emails that are usually spam! So email marketing doesn’t work! This is quite a misconception. First of all you do not buy an email, in fact different people give you their email; how?
By phone call,
Online forms on the site,
Sign up for your site newsletter,
Download the guidebook on the site ….
How to get email from users who come to your site is a detailed discussion in email marketing, but the important point is that we do not buy email addresses !!! If we don’t buy email, spam will definitely not be sent. The second point is that you should not send a huge volume of posts to users, email marketing is designing emails with the right content to the right customer group!

Now let’s take a closer look at the definition above: To get the right result through email marketing, you need to set a goal, what does that mean? Usually the closest goal that comes to the minds of business owners is sales, which is quite true, but we should keep in mind that smaller goals can also be defined for sales.
You should then design an email based on the customer group you define; the customer group is a part of the email list that has common features and can be targeted to a specific type of email.
Initially it was said that email marketing is one of the most popular methods in online marketing. A US study has found that 95% of people in the digital business believe email marketing is one of the most effective ways to sell. It has also been the second most popular online method in 2014, according to a Gartner email marketing survey.